Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The human race

I'm in awe with the human race. We all think we are so different and try our uttermost to be individualistic, but at the end of the day, we are all the same (more or less in anyway). This statement makes life a bit boring, I suppose, but we all want the same things.

We all want happiness, love, acceptance and peace. And we try our best, surely in different ways, but we still try to gain all of these and most of the time unconsciously.

The poor fellow that is roaming the streets for a rand or two to buy something for his terminal hunger that seems to never end. Maybe all he wants is to be treated with respect and not disgust. You don't know his story, therefore do not judge!

The big shot, with his big mansion and shiny car, on the outside everything looks great and in order, but can you see his inside. You don't know his story, therefore do not judge!

The girl who is dressed from head to toe in black, with piercings in every possible place on her body and tattoo's that make your head turn away. Don't treat her like a demon. You don't know her story, therefore do not judge!

I vow to be different (what a paradox!) and to treat everybody the same. This is my new challenge for December and hopefully I will be able to see clearly, through walls, through money, through poverty and arrogance and only see as it is.

"Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail"
- Muriel Strode

Although this quote is totally in contrast with the first statement, I will leave a trail behind of acceptance of all and no judgement. What a challenge!!!!!!!

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